Causes and methods of treatment of varicose veins of the legs

Varicose veins usually affect the lower extremities, may develop years and even decades. Varicose veins (varicose veins) in the legs always is a dysfunction of the venous valves and blood flow. Good blood flow which is characterized by the circulation of the blood through the veins of the legs, from the bottom up (reverse gravity). A large part of this process is possible due to venous valves, which prevent backflow of blood. The alteration of these valves lead to problems of flow of venous blood and, as a result of the enlargement of the veins. In the veins the blood begins to flow in a chaotic way, often zastaivayas in the veins of the legs. Because of this background of significant pressure of the vascular wall does not stand up, expand and become thinner. Therefore, the dilation of the veins with the naked eye visible under the skin in the form of nodes. Often, due to the slowing of blood flow in varicose veins is thrombosis. The violation of the processes of nutrition of the skin which leads to the appearance of venous ulcers.

The reasons for the development of the veins in my feet very:

  1. Genetic predisposition (hereditary disease predisposing factors – congenital weakness of the wall of venous and valvular apparatus, loss of elasticity).
  2. Violation of the circulation of the blood against the background of constipation, wearing tight shoes, Smoking, lack of physical activity.
  3. Hormonal medications (birth control monophasic pill with a high dose of estrogen leads to the thickening of the blood).
  4. The increase of the venous pressure of the type, provocaverunt obesity, pregnancy, sedentary lifestyle (sedentary work), the permanent vertical loads (workers, whole day staying on his feet).
  5. Hormonal changes in old age.

These reasons can lead to an incorrect pathological flow of blood through the veins of the lower extremities – refluxus or backflow of the blood from the deep veins superficial veins. These reasons contribute to the worsening of the disease in the future.

The symptoms of varicose veins in the legs

  • extension of saphenous veins,
  • burning sensation or heat in the course of the veins of the lower extremities;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the legs;
  • swelling of the soft tissues of the lower limbs in the night (in the area of the feet, ankles, legs);
  • night cramps in the calf muscles;
  • darkening and hardening of the skin of the legs;
  • pain along the veins;
  • trophic ulcers.

Each patient has symptoms of varicose veins can be different, but one element remains constant – the feeling of heaviness in the legs, which is also called the "syndrome of heavy legs". More often complex symptomatic is most pronounced in the evening and also during extreme heat.

If the disease is started, the skin of the legs became cyanotic hue, and the patient, in this stage there is no treatment is not getting, not rarely observed hyperpigmentation of the skin and lipodermatosclerosis, and in the most severe cases develop ulcers.

The danger is not the varicose veins and the development in the background of this complication is thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the inside of the vein wall), which leads to the formation of blood clots. The blood clots often block the light, of the vein (phlebothrombosis), and can also break and enter into the lungs. As a result of serious complications of varicose veins among patients with result lethal.

Diagnosis of varicose veins in the legs

When discovering for themselves about the symptoms or some of them need urgently to go to the doctor phlebologist or vascular surgeon. The timeliness of disease detection depends on the nature of the treatment and the prevention of complications.

For the diagnosis of varicose veins prescribed the following studies. diagnosis of varicose veins

  1. An ultrasound or venous duplex imaging – evaluation of patency and extensio veins, direction of blood flow and to detect the formation of blood clots in veins.
  2. Contrast venography – evaluation of the condition, the determination of the presence of tumors and thrombi by means of a reconstruction of the exact "snapshot" of the veins of the patient on x-ray. Normally, this method is replaced by ultrasound, as this is considered to be the most simple to implement.

When you need to immediately consult a doctor

If the following symptoms a visit to the doctor should be immediate:

  1. The appearance of acute pain in the lower extremities with any movement. While the leg look swollen and very tight, the skin is like cream.
  2. A feeling of weakness, accompanied by dyspnea, feeling of lack of oxygen.
  3. Of the affected veins began to ooze blood.

Treatment of varicose veins in the legs

Conservative treatments for varicose veins.

Non-surgical treatment that apply to the initial phase of the development of the disease, when there are no complications. Conservative methods include receiving specialised medication (angioprotectors, anticoagulants, venotoniki, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of tablets, ointments and gels) that will help you to relieve the pain, as well as the prevention of complications.

Of great importance in the treatment of varicose veins is the restoration of the tone of the blood vessels. The exercise is possible with the help of special tools. It means that the domestic producers does not contain dyes, has a film shell, no preservatives, therefore, the active substance is diosmin absorbs faster, minimizing the probability of manifestations of allergic reactions.

Non-surgical treatment of varicose veins, in addition, implies wear compression underwear, following a special diet, systematic physical activity (a complex of exercises therapeutic).

These measures reduce the venous insufficiency, prevent the development of thrombosis. Then the doctor, in addition to the above measures of treatment of varicose veins may designate a course manual or hardware lymphatic drainage, treatments for the improvement of the exit of the blood from the lower limbs, the reduction of the inflammation. The effect of the intervention is not of long duration.

Treatment of varicose veins with leeches.

Leech therapy is a fairly effective method of dealing with varicose veins. Once inside the diseased vein, the saliva of the leeches, thanks to the content hirudin (natural heparin), promotes liquefactionibus the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots. Today, on the basis hirudin drugs have been created, making "contact with the leeches" can be avoided. leeches

Bezoperatsionnye modern methods of treatment of varicose veins in the legs.


Sclerotherapy is the most effective non-surgical treatment of varicose veins. During the procedure in the lumen of the vessel of the patient, the doctor injects a special drug that causes agglutination of its walls, in the future (1.5 years), its re-absorption. The usual treatment at the stage of spider veins ranges from 3 to 6 treatments on each leg. The result will be noticeable after 2-8 weeks, during which time there may be pain, bruising slight tingling, which slowly pass. The injected drug is, in each case selected individually, so that the risk of complications is minimal. During the treatment the patient should wear the compression hosiery.

The effectiveness of sclerotherapy in the treatment of varicose veins can be compared with the classics of the surgery, it gives only the most modern techniques - endovenous laser coagulation, because of the emergence of a "foam form" (foam) sclerotherapy, and the procedure with ultrasound or translyuministsentnoy light. All this significantly reduced the number of side effects.

Sclerotherapy can be carried out through the use of ultrasound for the scanner, then the process is called echosclerotherapy. Additional scanner application allows the doctor to completely control the movement of the needle in Vienna and the distribution of the drug.

If the drug is administered in an alteration of the line in the form of a microfoam, the procedure is called the foam-form sclerotherapy. Through closer microfoam with venous walls, the method has a high efficiency. The displacement of the blood vessel, the microfoam promotes faster connection and the blocking of the functions.

endovasal or endovenous laser coagulation.

One of the modern and minimally invasive treatments of varicose veins in the legs. The effects of laser light on the damaged vein is performed under local anesthesia. The results are visible after one month after the intervention. The method is very expensive.

The medical therapy of varicose veins in the legs complement the folk remedies that not only improve the tone and elasticity of venous walls, but also prevent further progression of the disease. The recipes of traditional medicine with regular use helps to cure very advanced cases of the disease (skin, ulcers, thrombosis).

Before the treatment, it is important to identify the cause of the disease, consult your doctor, do not tighten and do not wait for complications (ulcers of the skin, thrombosis), starts the treatment as soon as possible, while the thickness of the veins on the surface did not exceed 5 mm, and the nodes not more than 7 mm. During the therapeutic course is recommended to bring clothing and footwear that does not hinder the movement, to abandon the heavy physical activity and the habit to throw a leg over the other. skin, ulcers,

Modern methods of operation (surgical) treatment of varicose veins in the legs

In the absence of the desired result as a result of conservative treatment of varicose veins require surgical intervention. Surgery is a radical method in the treatment of the disease, during which the removal of changed veins. Today this is done under tumescent anesthesia (local anesthesia of a mixture of natural anaesthetics). The advantages of this method is that the patient can leave the clinic two hours after the surgery, no postoperative haematomas, better tolerated, without intoxication, both during operations under General anaesthesia.

Phlebectomy – through special punctures is the elimination of the modification of the disease veins to normalize blood flow in the deep veins. Operation that in some cases it is preferable to sclerotherapy. Among the advantages there is a rapid recovery of the patient, small scars, in addition to the effect maintained throughout the years.

Short Stripping – removal of only the changes in the area of the vein through two small incisions. Pre-defines the location and length of the affected vein. In this method the soft parts of the patient does not suffer, there is a rapid recovery, no pain after the surgery.

Endoscopic vein dissectione - in this method, a doctor with a small size of the affected Vienna enter into an endoscope, that allows to obtain information about the internal condition of varicose veins, the extent of the area affected, as well as the precision in control of your actions during the cut-off section of the vein to minimize the damage.

Prevention of varicose veins in the legs

  1. The restriction in the access to the sauna, take a hot bath, spending time in the sun (all of this leads to a decrease of tone venous and arterial stasis).
  2. More physical activity (moderate Jogging, swimming, Cycling, aerobics, Cycling, skiing).
  3. The Control over your weight.
  4. The rejection of the narrow, tight clothes and narrow and tight shoes.
  5. Get rid of the habit to sit "foot to foot".
  6. Avoid constipation (eat well, keep drinking regime).
  7. Evenly distribute the load on the legs (do not sit or stand too long in one position).
  8. Contrast shower with cold water and cold feet.
  9. Using compression underwear to people at risk (pregnant women with hereditary predisposition, the workers who have sedentary work, or whose work is associated with serious physical effort or need to spend all day on my feet).
  10. Physiotherapy.

During the treatment of varicose veins, any physical exercise is only for the purpose of prevention.

Diet for varicose veins

  1. Limit salty, spicy and smoked food.
  2. Abstinence of alcohol.
  3. Restriction of meat products.
  4. The enrichment of the diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, food that promotes strengthening of vascular walls (carrots, olive oil, walnuts, rosehips, green tea, sprouted wheat, beans, green onions).
  5. Daily intake of Apple cider vinegar (per Cup of water 2 tsp.).

In the detection of the first symptoms of varicose veins immediately contact a specialist. The people included in the high risk group (those who have predisposing factors), and have a genetic predisposition to varicose veins is recommended every two years to visit phlebologist with the mandatory ultrasound.